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How to Make the Most of Your Outdoor Space in Winter

Make the most of the outdoor space you have this winter.

Winter doesn’t have to mean the end of outdoor entertaining, on the contrary, the colder months can be a magical time with just a little preparation. There is nothing quite like eating and drinking with friends, keeping warm and enjoying the crisp evenings on your porch, patio or in the garden.



Spruce up your outdoor areas with a splash of paint, turning tired sun-faded outdoor furniture into bright and cheerful winter warmers. As the palette of nature turns to greys and blues, livening up your space is vital for making it inviting.


With evening arriving sooner, ensuring you have adequate lighting is imperative for convincing people to stay outside rather than retreat indoors. Well positioned lamps and strings of lights will provide ample illumination, as well as create a great atmosphere as the evening wears on.


Alfresco entertainment lives and dies by how well the space can be headed. Gas patio heaters are an effective option for heating a large space efficiently, while fire pits and braziers add glow and crackle that will bring another dimension to your gatherings. They also great for lighting the area beautifully.

Outdoor furniture

Another major factor in how well your party will go, outdoor furniture must be first and foremost comfortable. Your guests’ patience threshold for sitting perched nervously on the edge of rickety chairs, or on freezing cold concrete benches will be even lower in winter than in summer. Invest in some top-quality pieces and ensure there are enough seats to go around or you will find the party moving indoors sooner rather than later.


Winter can be windy and rainy at times, but that needn’t deter you for hosting outside. By creating a haven with well-built and positioned shelter, you can enjoy the rain from the dry, warm comfort of your porch or deck.

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