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The Ultimate Bed Frame Buying Guide

Before you buy a new bed frame, check out our detailed buying guide of tips and tricks. Find out more.

Bed Frame

Bed frames are an integral part of every bedroom, but their purpose extends far beyond just supporting your mattress. They also add to the appeal of any given room and serve as a comfortable place to relax.

Bed frames are a critical piece of furniture that comes in various designs, styles, colours and materials. But with so many features to consider, buying the ideal one can be a tricky task.

The average person spends around a third of their life sleeping. It’s a beneficial process that can improve physical and mental health. And with the right bed frame, you can increase the quality of your sleep.

What Makes A Good Bed Frame?

Your individual needs determine what makes a bed frame suitable for you. However, there are some key features they should have.

A good bed frame is a quality, long-term investment that will last. It should not only be durable but stylish and comfortable to sleep on. It also ought to support you and your mattress every night.

If your current bed frame is falling apart, appears outdated or ragged, chances are you need a new one.

What Is The Right Sized Bed Frame For You?

Whether you already have a mattress you absolutely love or are still hunting for one, choosing the right bed frame size is simple.

For convenience and a proper fit, bed frames have the same sized dimensions as mattresses: King, queen, double, single and king-single. Which one you choose depends on the room’s available space and your needs.

Firstly, measure out your space – twice for accuracy. Misjudging the measurements by only a few centimetres can mean the bed frame won’t fit correctly in the area.

To determine the proper dimensions, place your existing mattress on the ground or measure out the room it will be placed in. Then walk around the outline – You should be able to move around freely without compromising on space.

Tip: it’s recommended you leave at least a few feet around each side of your bed frame for genuine and functional placement.

Different Sizes



Suitable For:


183cm x 203cm 

Suitable for your whole family 

As the largest standard size, king bed frames are a spacious option for couples and families with kids or pets.


153cm x 203cm

Ideal for couples or small families

A queen bed frame is the most frequently purchased size. It’s a comfortable choice for partners or small families and a spacious, luxury choice for singles. 


138cm x 188cm

Perfect for guest rooms, singles or teens. 

Do you toss and turn at night? A double bed offers spacious room for singles to sprawl out without the fear of falling off. They’re a great choice if you’re tight on bedroom space.


107cm x 203cm

Ideal for children or pre-teens. 

King-single bed frames offer slightly more space than a single, perfect for growing children.


92cm x 188cm

Suitable for toddlers or young children. 

If your baby has outgrown their crib, a single bed and bed frame is the perfect option to support their growing bodies.

 Bed Frame

The Right Material For You

Bed frames come in various materials to match every style, including contemporary, mid-century modern, rustic farmhouse and traditional. The most common bed frame materials are metal, wood, leather, fabric, or velvet. Which one you choose ultimately comes down to which type will match your style and needs.

  1. 1. Leather: The durable choice. 

  2. This classic material is a timeless option designed to last under everyday wear and tear. It repels spills and messes, so whether you have kids, pets or enjoy snacking, a leather bed frame can make cleaning simple. Unlike a fabric bed frame, it’s less likely to retain dust and dirt – a hygienic choice for allergy sufferers.

  3. Although leather is a more expensive bed frame selection, it’s versatile and can work well with contemporary, modern, or traditional styles.

  4. 2. Fabric: The cosiest option. 

  5. Available in various types, including upholstered, a fabric bed frame offers superior comfort. These textile materials are frequently designed with all-around soft padding to support you thoroughly. Whether you’re sitting up late watching movies or reading a book.

  6. Fabric materials give off a lot of warmth that metal or wood bed frames don’t. They’re a great choice if your style is modern, contemporary, or rustic. However, fabric bed frames aren’t easy to clean. So, if you’re buying for your kids, have pets, or you’re prone to spilling liquids around your bed, it’s best to avoid this material.

  7. 3. Wood: The biggest and most versatile range

  8. If you’re looking for the perfect all-around bed frame, you should consider a wooden one. The traditional bed frame comes in the widest selection of designs and shades to match all styles. It can also be a very affordable option too.

  9. Wooden bed frames are naturally made – a durable choice like leather, and they’re also easy to clean. So, whether you’re buying for a guest bedroom, your kids or for a house with pets, you can’t go wrong with a wooden bed frame.

  10. 4. Velvet: The luxurious choice. 

  11. At the height of class, velvet bed frames are ideal for transforming any space. Incredibly soft to the touch, they uniquely offer a cosy and warm feel.

  12. Although they’re not easy to maintain, velvet bed frames have a padded, comfortable feel – ideal for master bedrooms or guest spaces. They’re also available in various colours to perfectly suit modern or contemporary styles.

  13. 5. Metal: The easy to clean choice. 

  14. Do you suffer from allergies, or are you buying a bed frame for your kids? Then you should consider a metal bed frame. The durable material offers extreme support that can withstand the constant jumping of kids. Unlike fabric bed frames, it doesn’t absorb any moisture, dirt, or dust, making it super simple to clean.

  15. Although the timeless medium doesn’t provide the same comfort level as upholstered bed frames, it can make a room feel more spacious – perfect if you live in a tight space.

Tip: Consider the floorboards in the bedroom. Some bed frames can damage or scratch hardwood floors, whereas others can compress and destruct carpet. To avoid this, look for bed frames with padded feet to protect your floors or consider investing in some durable slips that will decrease the risk of damage.

 Bed Frame

Consider The Support System

Bed frames come with a support system, either platform or box springs, for constant alignment and long-lasting comfort. But both have different features to work with different individuals.

Platform – This is the most common type of support system found in modern bed frames. Platform frames are designed with thick wooden slats to withstand heavy weights and constantly offer the best comfort, regardless of age.

Unlike box spring bed frames, a platform is available in a more versatile range that is compatible with all mattresses. Plus, it’s ready to use as soon as you receive it.

Box spring – A box spring is a bed base that goes between the frame and the mattress. The traditional system acts as a barrier between the bed frame and the mattress, for long-lasting support. A box spring is shock absorbent and lifted from the floor for easy movement and access. However, it’s not compatible with all mattresses.

So, do you need a box spring base? Only if you have a spring mattress for which they’re specially designed. The coils of the mattress will align perfectly with the spring of the bed base for proper, long-term support.

Tip: consider the height of the bed frame – If you require easy access to your bed, you should contemplate a higher structure for easy mobility.

The Cost Of A Bed Frame

Bed borders prices vary depending on their size, the material they’re made of and where you buy them from. Custom versions can be costly; however, you can get exceptional bed frames for as little as $100.

If you’re looking to save big on a quality bed frame for your home, whether that be a timeless leather or stylish wooden type, MyDeal has affordable options available online HERE for under $100.

The Right Bed Frames For Couples

When you’re browsing for a new bed frame for your master bedroom, it’s essential to consider not only your needs but your partner’s too – so you both get a quality night’s rest.

What’s the right size?

If you’ve already got a mattress that works for both you and your partner, then you can skip this step. However, if you’re looking to buy a new frame and bed, it’s crucial to consider the size.

For a couple, you need enough space so you can both sleep spaciously without waking one another. The best size for optimal support is a queen or king.

However, if you’re living in a small space like a rental or an apartment, you can opt for a double bed but be aware, it may feel tighter than a queen or king.

Are you a light sleeper?

Do you find yourself woken by your partner’s movements? Then that’s an essential factor to consider when buying a new bed frame. Some frames multiply sleeping disruptions while others can minimise them. A great way to determine if a bed frame will reduce interruptions is to choose one that’s shock-absorbing.

Bed frames with box springs bases are highly shock-absorbate to help you sleep soundly. You should also consider your mattress type – memory foam mattresses and latex are much better shock absorbers than traditional mattresses.

Do you have pets?

Cuddling with your pets in bed is fun until you realise they’ve damaged your good quality bed frame. So, when you buy a new one, it’s integral to consider your pets and how they may affect your bed. If you have a cat, their nails can be hazardous around delicate bed frames, and if you have a new puppy, they could tear apart fabric bed heads.

For a long-lasting bed frame that won’t be affected by your pets, buy a wooden or metal one. Unlike fabric or leather types, these structures are highly durable and virtually impossible for pets to destroy. Plus, they’re just as stylish and appealing to the eye as fabric and leather ones.

Consider storage-saving bed frames

If you share a room with someone else, you know how valuable extra space is. So why not consider a bed frame with added storage? They’re perfect for hiding away spare sheets, doonas, and seasonal clothes.

Bed Frame

The Right Bed Frames For Singles

The great thing about buying a bed frame for yourself is you don’t have to worry about anyone else’s needs. Sleeping by yourself is a marvellous experience—one that’s uninterrupted, spacious, and even better with a bed frame suited to your liking.

Consider The Space Available

Bed frames come in various designs, some bulkier than others. Before you buy, it’s essential to consider the size of the bed frame you’re choosing and how it will fit in your room. Map out the available space – you should be able to move around the bed frame comfortably.

How do you want your bed frame to feel?

Frames come in various materials for different comfort levels; which one you choose depends on what you’d like. Consider how you’d like your bed frame to feel.

Do you want it to be comfortable? Then a fabric bed frame is the one for you. Or perhaps you’d prefer a sleek, smooth feeling bed frame – like a metal one.

Do you have allergies?

Some bed frames can trap dust and dirt, which can flare up allergies, so it’s crucial to consider your allergies when buying a bed frame. Metal or wooden bed frames are free of foam padding and have far less available space for dust or dirt. Avoid buying fabric or leather bed frames; they are known for gathering odours and dirt.

The Right Kid-Friendly Bed Frames

Whether you’re buying a new bed frame for your child or toddler who has outgrown their crib, it’s crucial you choose a version suited to them. It’s also important to consider the features of the bed frame you want before you buy.

The Best Type Of Bed Frame For Kids

When looking for a bed frame suitable for kids or teenagers, you cannot overlook the material; in fact, it’s the most critical element for children. Because they’re prone to making messes, kids need a bed frame that’s durable and easy to clean—ones like metal or wood.

Unlike fabric bed frames, these types don’t absorb liquids but rather repel them. So, whether your child takes a marker to the bedhead or spills water on the frame, it won’t do any long-term damage to the structure. Plus, they won’t tear under daily use.

The Height Of The Bed Frame

Bed frames come in various heights to suit different individuals; which one you buy depends on how old your child is.

If you’re buying a bed frame for a toddler or child, they’ll need one they can easily move in and out of. One that’s very low to the ground and doesn’t require any assistance to get into. The last thing your child wants is to be stuck in bed, unable to get out because of the height of their structure. Platform bed frames are the best choice for young children.

However, if you’re buying for a teenager or pre-teen, it’s better to buy a frame that’s higher for easy mobility. Platform bed frames come in taller versions, but the box spring bed frame offers superior heights.

Consider A Bed Frame With Storage

With all their hobbies, toys, clothes and products, a children’s or teen’s bedroom can quickly become a mess. That’s why a new bed frame with storage space is a must. With convenient drawers beneath the bed, these frames can free up valuable floor space for playing, gaming, or imagining.

Bed Frame

Tips To Consider Before Constructing The Bed Frame

Firstly free up space: Start by making sure you have a lot of room around the area your bed frame will go. Beds are one of the most significant furniture pieces in any bedroom so, clear the space as much as possible beforehand. To prevent any accidents from happening and so you can move it freely.

Spread out all the bed frame pieces: For a clear understanding of where every part should go, layout the bed frame in the area you’d prefer it to be placed. It will give you a good idea of how much space the bed frame will take up.

Tip: Keep all the small pieces in one group to avoid losing any in the process.

Double-check all the pieces are included: There’s nothing worse than putting together half of a bed frame only to realise you’re missing a crucial component. So before you start putting it together, check you have all the parts included in the manual.

Read the instructions before you begin: Sometimes, while you’re putting together a bed frame, you can miss a crucial step. So glance through the manual first, so you don’t miss anything.

Bed Frame

Bed frames are versatile, practical and designed to support you and your mattress. With the knowledge you’ve gained in this guide, buying a bed frame tailored to you has never been easier.

MyDeal stocks various quality bed frames available HERE, that are bound to meet your requirements. From esteemed brands like Duke Living, Artiss, Design Square, Kingston Slumber and much more, our collection of bed frames is available at affordable prices you’ll absolutely love.

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