In Disney's Mulan live-action movie, the fearless eldest daughter of an honoured warrior, Hua Mulan, masquerades as a man and sets out on an adventure that will transform her into a legendary warrior. This Mulan fashion doll comes wearing a removable outfit, including a top, pants, heroic skirt armour, and shoes, as a complement to her courageous and spirited personality in the Disney live-action movie. She also has long black hair like her character. Kids can imagine practicing their warrior skills and going on bold adventures with this inspiring heroine!
This classic Mulan doll makes a great gift or holiday present for 3 year olds and older as well as fans who love the classic animated film and the live-action movie.
Includes doll, skirt armour, shoes, pants, and top.
Estimated Delivery Time:
Metro Areas: 2-5 business days
Rural Areas: 5-10 business days
We ship throughout Australia
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All products from Avalan Kids carry a 12-month warranty
Estimated Delivery Time Frame: 3-9