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Decorating A Green Room

Green and earthy tones are found in abundance in a lot of houses nowadays. There is something very comforting about these colours and that...

How to Style a Persian Rug

Timeless and beautiful, Persian rugs are a popular choice in homes around the world. They add warmth, colour and texture to space, no matter...

A Guide To Cleaning Your Rugs At Home

Everyone would agree that keeping your home neat and clean is important. Keeping your rugs clean is part of the whole cleaning process. While...

How to Style a Room Divider

Transform your space with room dividers! Room dividers & screens break up a space into separate sections while bringing a warm and cosy feel...

Alfresco Dining Area Ideas

Warmer weather means spending more time outdoors, whenever you can. Embrace the last few weeks of summer and dine alfresco style! Alfresco dining is...